Thursday, February 18, 2016

This Year's Calendar

Mark your days with a calendar that's so simple, it's sublime. BY INA AMOR MEJIA
TODAY IS A GOOD DAY to buy a calendar. Yes I know we're nearing the end of February, but cup half full, we've got ten months to go. At the beginning of the year, I always slave at my computer and try to make my own calendar. And every single year Gabby will tell me, "Why don't you just buy one?". And that's exactly what happened. 

This calendar ($4.42) by the Etsy shop Typographing is minimalist at its best, but with a nice hand-painted font for the months, for some warmth. All of you who need some warmth raise your hands.

It took little effort to print these out using our home printer and some white card stock, cutting them, and then finally resting them on a small cork board secured with a clip. And even if you are home printer and scissor challenged you'll find that it's worth it. You will be staring at this beauty for an entire year. (Ok, ten months).

So go give our friends at Etsy some love. Calendar heaven awaits.

*Photo by Ina Amor Mejia. More calendars: Constellation Calendarcolorful floral calendar and an artful (and free) watercolor calendar .

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